Home / Airline news / Overestimate Irkutsk scientists interested in the Korean company

Авиаразработки иркутских ученых заинтересовали корейские компании Company from South Korea following the seminar in Irkutsk signed with local scientists the cooperation agreement in the field of aviation, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Irkutsk scientific research technical University (Irkutsk national research technical University).

According to the University, Irkutsk national research technical University and Korean company Contec., Co LTD, specializing in aerospace technologies, according to the results of the seminar signed a Memorandum on cooperation. The sides plan to organize joint activities for the exchange of information and personnel.

During meetings with his counterparts from Russia, the Koreans also became interested in the developments of scientists of the Irkutsk national research technical University in the field of water treatment, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries, as well as projects in the fields of aviation and agriculture.

Seminar “Baikal INNOTECH” was conducted on the basis of the Irkutsk national research technical University. It was attended by nine companies from South Korea representing the aerospace industry, mechanical engineering and agribusiness sector. From the Russian side the seminar showed interest, the staff of the technical University, institutes of the Irkutsk scientific center SB RAS, representatives of the government of Irkutsk region, small and medium business.

The decision to organize a regular international seminar “Baikal INNOTECH” was taken in the summer during the visit of the delegation to South Korea “with a view to further development of scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries”, said the University. During the visit, the representatives of the Irkutsk national research technical University met with the staff of the company-expert in technology transfer EurasTech.

The Irkutsk national research technical University carries out public tasks on projects under the personal control of the President of the Russian Federation. It is the creation of the passenger liner MS-21 and the gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”. The University is charged with their human resources and technological support. With its considerable portfolio of intellectual property, the University annually enrolls about 50 patents.
